Advanced Mathematical and mechanical models, experimental approaches and data analysis for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Environmental Monitoring Systems. PART A: MATHEMATICS


Ricciardello Angela Ricciardello

Angela Ricciardello

Department of Engineering and Architecture University of Enna “Kore”, Italy

Ruggieri Marianna Ruggieri

Marianna Ruggieri

Department of Engineering and Architecture University of Enna “Kore”, Italy

Scuro Carmelo Scuro

Carmelo Scuro

Department of Engineering and Architecture University of Enna “Kore”, Italy

Betti Michele Betti

Michele Betti

Department of of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) University of Florence, Italy

Castellano Anna Castellano

Anna Castellano

Department of Architecture, Construction and Design (ARCOD) Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Clementi Francesco Clementi

Francesco Clementi

Department of Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture Polytechnic University of Marche - UnivPM, Italy


The proposed special session aims to be a solid reference of the technical community to present and discuss the latest results of scientific and technological research for the living environment, with a focus on physical-mathematical modelling with particular attention to applications and new trends in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Environmental Monitoring Systems.

The main goal is on, but not limited to, mathematical models and new technologies for the design, construction, and monitoring, but also on innovative solutions based on the IoT paradigm, BIM, sensors, signal processing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and sensor networks.

Relevant in the present session is the definition of mathematical models based on differential equations, able to simulate the events to be monitored with the aim of preventing their occurrences, minimizing the computational cost of the numerical simulations and optimizing the data processing.

Studies and research of interest for this special session concern the development of new theoretical methods and experimental approaches for acquiring, processing, and interpreting data with the purpose of designing and implementing innovative Monitoring Systems. In particular, the topics here addressed include operational and experimental modal analysis of structures, dynamic characterization of structural damage, model updating, uncertainty quantification, advanced sensing technologies (MEMS, drones, radar, satellites, smartphones, etc.), and data science techniques (artificial intelligence, neural networks, etc.).


Angela Ricciardello got Master’s Degree, summa cum laude, in Mathematics at the University of Messina in 2006 and in 2011 she got the Ph-Doctor’s Degree with a dissertation entitled “Finite Element Method for Seismological Applications”, selected for PhD Thesis Award at Development of Applied Mathematics in Italy 2011 organized by INdAM-SIMAI (Rome, 8 April 2011) and for PhD Thesis Award at The 5th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW 2011) organized by Cambridge University (Salzburg 10 April 2011). In 2011 she won INdAM-COFUND “INdAM Fellowships in Mathematics and/or Applications for experienced researchers co-funded by Marie Curie actions”. From July 2012 to November 2014 she was Research fellow; from November 2014 to March 2022 she was Assistant Professor and since March 2022 she is Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Enna Kore. Since 2011 she performed her teaching activities, holding several courses as Lecturer at University of Messina and University of Enna Kore. In her academic training she took part in several research projects and, in particular, she is Associated Investigator and Substitute Principal Investigator of the funded PRIN Project ‘MOVING StEPS - MOVING from Street Experiments to adaptive Planned Solutions’ (2022). She was Visiting Researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (30 October-11 November 2017). She was scientific director of the framework partnership agreement between Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna Kore and the INGV(2017-2020). She is part of AIMETA, UMI and GNFM. She is referee for different national and international conferences and journals.
Her research activity focuses on mathematical modeling, analysis and implementation of optimization algorithms applied to several fields, such as: study of seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media and seismic hazard mitigation; Dynamical model of unmanned aerial vehicle and optimization techniques; Hyperbolic differential equations. She presented her researches at several national and international congresses, where, also, organized Minisymposia/Scientific Sessions. She is author of 38 indexed scientific papers (23 Journals and 15 Proceedings), a Monograph and 4 Posters, among which FEM Analysis, Modelling and Control of a Hexacopter, A. Alaimo, V. Artale, C. Milazzo, A. Ricciardello and L. Trefiletti, that won the Poster Award at International CAE Conference, (Pacengo del Garda, Verona 21-22 October 2013).

Marianna Ruggieri is a Full Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Enna KORE. Her scientific interests include Group Classification Problems, Extended Thermodynamics Problems, Wave Propagation Problems, Study of Partial and Fractional Differential Equations with particular reference to their applications in engineering and biomathematics.
Throughout her career, she has been actively involved in organizing and participating in various international conferences and scientific meetings. As a visiting professor, she has visited important international institutions. She is currently a member of several prestigious scientific societies, including the Italian Mathematical Union (UMI), the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) and the GNFM (National Group of Mathematical Physics) of the National Institute of Higher Mathematics "Francesco Severi". She has also been the Principal Investigator of several scientific projects.
Additionally, she has held various academic roles at the University of Enna KORE. She is also part of the register of the disciplinary experts of the ITALIAN NATIONAL AGENCY FOR THE EVALUATION OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES (ANVUR).

Carmelo Scuro is a tenure-track researcher (RTT) in Mathematical Physics at the University of Enna "Kore," affiliated with the Department of Engineering and Architecture. He has long-standing collaborations with the Departments of Physics, Civil Engineering, and Computer Engineering, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems at the University of Calabria and is also affiliated with the CNR-NANOTEC in Rende.
He obtained his master’s degree in Engineering and Architecture and his Ph.D. in "Science and Engineering of the Environment, Construction, and Energy" at the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, in 2012 and 2017, respectively.
He has authored and co-authored over 70 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings, as well as several book chapters indexed in Scopus and beyond. He serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals. His current research interests include fracture analysis in brittle materials using acoustic emissions, monitoring systems based on the IoT paradigm, numerical analysis, Genetic Algorithms, FEM analysis, Mathematical Modeling, PDEs, and Mathematical Physics.
In 2024, he received the “Best Reviewer Award” from the President of IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation), Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Frank Härtig, for his contributions to the international journal Acta IMEKO in the field of Mathematical Physics.

Michele Betti Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Mechanics of Solids and Structures at the School of Engineering, University of Florence (Italy), where he received his PhD in Structural Engineering in 2001. His research interests focus on the characterization and identification of the static and dynamic behavior of masonry structures (and wooden elements), paying attention to the topic of Structural Health Monitoring of heritage structures (towers, domes, buildings, etc.). Recent activities include the set-up of quality-based automated procedure with adaptive tracking for operational modal analysis, data analysis for long-term Structural Health Monitoring (e.g. masonry towers, offshore steel platforms, trees, etc.) and Bayesian-based modal updating procedures through the use of surrogate models. He has authored more than 140 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings (H-index 32 Scopus), and 3 books, and is partner-founder of Kobe Innovation Engineering (University of Florence spin-off company) which is involved in monitoring, structural assessment and numerical modeling for decision making of structures and infrastructures.

Anna Castellano Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics at Polytechnic University of Bari. She received the master’s degree in “Building Engineering” and the Ph.D. degree in “Mechanics of Solids and Structures” at the Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. She is Associate Editor of “Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems” (journal of ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), and member of editorial board of international journals. She has received the “Best Paper Award for ASME JNDE 2021” for the research paper “Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonic Techniques for Monitoring Stress-Induced Damages in Concrete”. She teaches courses on the "mechanics of solids and structures", on the "mechanics of composite materials", on "advanced ultrasonic tests for the mechanical characterization of materials". He is a member of national and international scientific societies. Her research activity concerns the field of solid and structural mechanics, and in particular: experimental mechanics, linear and non-linear ultrasonic approaches, acoustoelasticity, damage mechanics, composite materials, dynamic identification of structures, mechanics of masonry arches and vaults, reinforced masonry structures.

Francesco Clementi Full Professor of Solids and Structural Mechanics at UnivPM. Previously, Associate (2019-2024) and Assistant Professor (2012-2019), UnivPM. Reviewer for more than 250 papers in about 90 journals and 10 conferences. Editorial Board member in 12 journals and 12 congresses, and organizer of more than 20 mini-symposia in international congresses. He has been a lecturer in 8 summer/winter schools focusing on seismic vulnerability, structural consolidation of historical/monumental structures, and SHM (Structural Health Monitoring). He has developed research and teaching activities at the Universities of Ancona, Camerino, Lublin and Sao Paulo. Since 2019 he is member of Member of board of “Accademia Marchigiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe I”. He was (2019-2021) Deputy manager of the Laboratorio Ufficiale Prove Materiali e Strutture of the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture (DICEA), faculty of Engineering, UnivPM. He was (2021-2024) Member of the Board of the Italian Society of “Scienza delle Costruzioni” (Solids and Structural Mechanics) (SISCo). He was participant in several national and international projects (FP6, FP7, PRIN, Pompei Project, etc.).

