Measurement techniques and procedures for quick and emergency diagnostics of buildings
Emanuela Natale
University of L'Aquila
Giulio D'Emilia
University of L'Aquila
Donatella Dominici
University of L'Aquila
Antonella Gaspari
Polytechnic of Bari
Marcello Marzoli
Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco del Soccorso pubblico e della Difesa civile, Ministero dell’Interno
Stefano Marsella
Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco del Soccorso pubblico e della Difesa civile, Ministero dell’Interno
In many situations, like technical rescue operations after a catastrophic event or when the level of damage suffered by buildings and infrastructures has to be assessed in the shortest possible time for whatever reason, the status of buildings cannot be evaluated fulfilling the requirements of consolidated and classic diagnostic techniques. As an example, all the needed target points cannot be measured and/or the complete and standardized data processing procedure is impossible. Furthermore, many fast-evolving emergency scenarios can occur, where the residual safety of buildings is almost exclusively evaluated on the basis of a visual inspection or personal experience. To improve the efficiency and reduce the subjectivity of such assessments, it is desirable to have recourse to measurement instruments for building diagnostics, taking into account the main operational issues occurring in such emergency and special conditions.
In particular, we encourage contributions that explore the following topics, but not only:
- use of innovative or classic techniques for building diagnostics, applied to emergency scenarios;
- development of simplified and quick procedures for building diagnostics in emergency situations;
- validation techniques and uncertainty evaluation to ensure the reliability of the results;
- simulation tools to improve the accuracy of measurements;
- digital twin of scenarios and instruments.
In the light of these considerations, this Special Session aims to provide a contribution for the identification of techniques and procedures to support decision making in emergency situations.