BIM, building energy efficiency and remote sensing by UAV: an integrate approach for the development of innovative methodologies for the energy improvement of the built environment.
Alessandro Marucci
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), Italy
Marianna Rotilio
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), Italy
Pamela Maiezza
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), Italy
Chiara Marchionni
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), Italy
Maria Alicandro
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA), Italy
Maurizio Pollino
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy
The current critical situation linked to the environmental question and climate change makes it inevitable to focus on the redevelopment of the built environment. To respond to the international community's demands for sustainability, one of the priorities is the search for compatible methods, techniques and intervention strategies to implement the energy efficiency of existing buildings through different techniques. The complexity of the built environment suggests the adoption of multi-disciplinary approaches to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the current state of the buildings to propose targeted and sustainable redevelopment strategies.
As the literature review revealed, the main obstacle towards digital transition in the urban sector is the fragmentation of data and of the entire supply chain: technology producers, service managers, municipalities. However, technological, process and regulatory gaps remain.
The proposed special session aims to promote the digital transition of public administrations through the development of digital platforms, with particular reference to public energy infrastructures, including urban ones, to achieve interoperability of digital systems.
Participants are encouraged to contribute with researches, insights and case studies to propose and test operational standards for the BIM modelling of public buildings, in close collaboration with innovative survey methodologies, from UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry to thermal and multispectral survey, to explore their potential in terms of system interoperability. Attention will also be paid to the realisation of multi-scale studies, from the analysis of urban areas to the study of interaction with the surrounding territory, using satellite remote sensing and UAV sensor techniques, as well as non-destructive techniques for monitoring the energy performance and environmental comfort of buildings.
Alessandro Marucci PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture, Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila. His research is oriented on the environmental sustainability of settlements and the relationship between urbanization patterns and natural hazzard/ecosystems, innovative geospatial applications and services for the development of spatial analysis, fast monitoring tools for urban resilience and climate change mitigation.
Marianna Rotilio engineer and PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture, Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila. Her research focuses on issues relating to building production and components, and in particular it was directed towards the analysis of the hygrothermal behavior of masonry and monitoring of components and construction elements in building, also in a multidisciplinary key; to technologies and processes for the reuse, re-manufacturing and recycling of products, components and materials and the definition of new materials and new technologies for safety.
Pamela Maiezza engineer and PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil, Building, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila. Her research focuses on architectural surveying, architectural representation, 3D modelling, Building Information Modeling with a focus on BIM applied to existing buildings and historic buildings, and documentation and communication of architectural heritage.
Chiara Marchionni engineer and PhD, is researcher at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture, Environmental Engineering of the University of L'Aquila. Her research focuses on sustainable redevelopment of built environment, with definition of best practices for non-destructive diagnostics and energy efficiency of buildings. She carries out research activities on development of methodologies and protocols from an environmental sustainability perspective and lifecycle approaches to reduce product/process environmental impacts.
Maria Alicandro engineer and PhD, is a researcher at the Department of Civil, Building, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L'Aquila. She carries out research activities on the use of innovative Remote Sensing techniques (from satellite, airborne and UAV), GNSS, GIS technologies and applied to the study, management and monitoring of the territory, structures and infrastructures at the Geomatics Laboratory of the DICEAA.
Maurizio Pollino engineer and PhD, is the Head of the Laboratory for the Analysis and Modelling of Critical Infrastructures and Essential Services, at the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). His research activity is focused on Geomatics applications to environmental studies and risk analysis (multi-risk assessment, GIS-based Decision Support Systems - DSS) of critical infrastructures.