Energy Systems in the Built Environment. Assessing energy Performance in Buildings and Renewable Systems


Bevilacqua Piero Bevilacqua

Piero Bevilacqua

University of Calabria, Italy

Bruno Roberto Bruno

Roberto Bruno

University of Calabria, Italy

Nicoletti Francesco Nicoletti

Francesco Nicoletti

University of Calabria, Italy

Arcuri Natale Arcuri

Natale Arcuri

University of Calabria, Italy


Worldwide policies have nowadays acknowledged the seriousness of environmental issues related to climate change, and recently a greater effort has been put into the promulgation of binding legislation to provide more sustainable development. The use of energy has to be rendered in this scenario as much rational as possible, trying to limit energy demand and CO2 emission into the atmosphere.

Therefore it is essential to maximize the exploitation of renewable energy sources and implement suitable actions to increase energy efficiency and improve the rational use of energy in all sectors.

In the building sector, responsible for a conspicuous share of primary energy consumption, there is a compelling need to increase sustainability and energy efficiency through innovative buildings design and envelope technologies, integration of renewable energies, implementation of innovative HVAC systems in an integrated approach of sustainable and smart communities.

The special session is focused on research advances, case studies, and best practices that contemplate monitoring, validation and experimental analysis related to renewable energies, innovative HVAC systems, and envelope technologies.


Cover topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Cognitive buildings;
  • Measurements on the Indoor Air Quality;
  • Indoor and outodoor conditions;
  • Building energy audit;
  • Automation and innovative control for HVAC;
  • Building Information Modelling and integrated design approaches;
  • District heating and cooling;
  • Polygeneration systems;
  • Measurements of building thermal fetures;
  • Zero and positive energy districts;
  • Monitoring of passive systems for the building envelope;
  • Thermal energy storage technologies;
  • Thermally active building systems;
  • Demand side management (DSM) for building energy use optimization;
  • Hybrid plants based on renewable sources;
  • Management of energy storage system for building application.


Piero Bevilacqua is currently a Researcher in Tenure Track at the University of Calabria, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2014. He holds a master degree in Energy Engineering obtained in 2011. He has co-authored several papers in peer-reviewed international journals and three book chapters. He has participated in numerous National and International research projects dealing with topics of energy efficiency and renewable sources. He is a recognized reviewer in peer-reviewed international journals and an Editor of two books and several Special Issues. His interests include innovative air-conditioning plants, integrated thermal storage systems; solar cooling, green roofs, photovoltaic systems, thermal comfort of indoor spaces, NZEB in Mediterranean area, thermal properties of building materials and experimental analysis.

Francesco Nicoletti is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Calabria, where he also serves as a tutor for courses in Applied Physics and Solar Systems. He holds a master’s degree in Energy Engineering and a PhD in Civil and Industrial Engineering. His research focuses on energy efficiency in buildings, visual and thermal comfort, the development of innovative strategies for optimizing HVAC systems and the thermal modelling. He also investigates the integration of renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaics and solar thermal systems.

